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Order the Unlock Code of your Blackberry 9320 Curve

Important: Select the Network your Blackberry 9320 Curve is originally from. Do NOT select the network you want to use.

When I order an Unlock Code for my Blackberry 9320 Curve, what will I receive?

We provide you with the Unlock Code to permanently unlock your Blackberry 9320 Curve.


In case your Blackberry 9320 Curve requires multiple Unlock Codes, all Unlock Codes necessary to unlock your Blackberry 9320 Curve are automatically sent to you.


We also provide detailed instructions on How To Unlock your Blackberry 9320 Curve. In most cases the procedure is very easy:


Our Support Team is there to help with any questions you may have, please feel free to contact us anytime!

How to Unlock Blackberry 9320 Curve?

1 - Using the menu go to Settings Menu -> SIM card press blackberrselect.
2 - While holding the SHIFT key, type mepd
3 - You should now see the five locking categories listed.
4 - While holding the SHIFT KEY, type mep2.
5 - Release the shift key.
6 - You are now prompted to enter the Network MEP code (it will also state how many attempts left)
7 - Enter the code
8 - Enter Return/Enter
9 - The device should then be unlocked

Any suggestion? Want to help us improve our Guideline to unlock Blackberry 9320 Curve ? or those are not accurate ? Please contact us

UnlockingClub is an incorporated company, we've been unlocking cell phones for
20 years now and strives to provide the best service for our clientele.

Cell Phone Unlocking protected by McAfee Secure Comodo SSL Certificate is certifying security for phone unlocking

All products, and company names, logos, and service marks (collectively the "Trademarks") displayed are registered® and/or unregistered trademarks™ of their respective owners. UnlockingClub is not associated with or sponsored by Blackberry. The authors of this web site are not sponsored by or affiliated with any of the third-party trade mark or third-party registered trade mark owners, and make no representations about them, their owners, their products or services.

Why Purchase From Us?

Best Phone Unlocking Choice
  • Permanent Factory Unlock
  • Full Permanent Unlock (All Levels)
  • 100% Money back guarantee
  • 24/7 Customer support team
  • Fastest turnaround of delivery
  • Simple instructions provided
  • Rated 4.9 out of 5 from 14706 reviews

Our Last 4 Certified Reviews

  • Amanda on 06/01/2024
    Done in 2.5 days. I was so worried after previous experiences but this was so worth my 2 days of stress! I appreciate yall
  • Noah Z on 06/01/2024
    Good communication when an issue arose and solved the problem quickly. Got my working code for Samsung A12
  • guillermo garcia on 06/01/2024
    estoy muy feliz complacido con el servicio rapido y seguro felicitaciones sigan trabajando asi gracias
  • Dave on 05/31/2024
    I am so pleased with this service , after several dead end attempts this worked as advertised . Just be patient the code will come.